5 players on their way out of Arsenal after the World Cup

Arsenal is in the middle of a crisis. The Gunners are in the midst of a number of problems, but the most obvious is the lack of motivation. The team is not in the best shape, and the players are not in their best form.
The team is also not in a good mood. The players are tired of the struggle for the championship. They are not motivated enough to win gold medals.
In the current season, the Gunners have a number 1 and 2 players on the way out. The main reason for this is the failure of the team in the Champions League. The club lost to Liverpool in the group stage, and it is clear that the team needs to improve its results.
However, the team still has a chance to win the coveted trophy. The following players are the main contenders for the title:
* Lukas Fabianski;
* Granit Xhaka;
• Ramsey;
In addition, the club has a number 3 and 4 player, who are still in their prime.

The club has already lost to Manchester United in the Premier League, and now it is extremely difficult for Arsenal to get into the Champions league zone. The situation is even worse in the Europa League, where the Gunner is in a difficult situation.
If the team does not improve its performance in the domestic arena, it will not be able to compete with the leaders of the Premier league. The season is not over yet, and Arsenal still has time to turn things around.
Who will leave Arsenal in summer?
The Gunners need to strengthen the team, and this is what the club is doing. The management is trying to find a good goalkeeper, and they are also trying to sign a new striker.
At the moment, the main striker of the Gun is Alexis Sanchez. The Chilean has already scored a lot of goals for the club. However, the fans are not happy with his performance.
Many fans consider the Chilean to be the best striker of this season. He scored a number 4 position in the EPL, which is not bad. However the club needs to find new ways to increase its chances of getting into the top 4.
Arsenal has a large number of players who are not performing well. The most obvious example is the goalkeeper. The position is not very important, but it is still a problem for the team.
Also, the management has to find another striker. The last season, Arsenal managed to sign Alexis Sánchez, who scored a good number of goals, but he was not able to help the team win the Premier championship.
What to expect from the team this summer?
Arsenal needs to strengthen its team, because the team has a lot to prove in the current campaign. The current season has been a disaster for the Gun, and many fans are very disappointed with the club’s performance. However it is not possible to win all the trophies, and if the team manages to win one of them, it would be a real success.
One of the main goals of the management is to get a good transfer budget. The previous season, it was not easy to get money for transfers, and there were a lot problems with the deals.
There is a chance that the Gun will get into a new Champions League zone this season, but if the club does not get a new goalkeeper, the chances of the club getting into a higher division are very low.
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Latest news on Arsenal
The current season for the Arsenal has been very disappointing, and fans are tired with the team’ performance. The fans are also very disappointed by the lack in the performance of the goalkeeper, who was one of the best players in the league.
Despite the fact that the club managed to win a number 5 position, the performance in all the matches of the season was poor. The goalkeeper was often injured, which led to the fact the team lost points.
After the World Championship, the Arsenal is in an even worse situation. The problems are not limited to the domestic championship, and a number 2 position is also very difficult to get.
Fans are very demanding, and in the summer, the new players will have to show their skills. The new season of the championship will begin, and we will see if the Gun can get into new places in the standings.
Team’ position in EPL table
The main goal of the Arsenal this season is to win at least one trophy. It is very important for the management to get to the top four, because this will allow the club to get more money for the transfers.
This summer, many new players have joined the team:
• Lukas Podolski;
• Sokratis;
The goalkeeper is a new signing, and he has already managed to help his club get into one of top 4 places. The problem is that the goalkeeper is not performing very well, and his performance is not the best.
It is very difficult for the goalkeeper to get out of the top-4, and even if he manages to get there, he will not get the gold medals, because he is not a good goal scorer.
Another problem for Podolska is the fact he is a young player.

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